The Sport Legacy Fund helps amateur sport groups secure long-term funding to sustain their operations, provide scholarships and promote other initiatives that will bring sport to the next generation of participants.
When you contribute to the Sport Legacy Fund, you help to ensure high-quality sport opportunities continue to be available to everyone in the province.
Use the form below to review and contribute to a Saskatchewan-based group or initiative currently supported by the Sport Legacy Fund.
As a member of the Canadian Council of Provincial and Territorial Sport Federations (CPP&TSF), Sask Sport administers the Saskatchewan branch of the National Sport Trust Fund (NSTF-Saskatchewan).
The NSTF-Saskatchewan consists of two programs that support the development of amateur sport — the national Sport Trust Fund and the Sport Legacy Fund. As the provincial fund manager, Sask Sport approves projects, receives donations and allocates grants to approved projects and initiatives in Saskatchewan.
The CCP&TSF is a Registered Canadian Amateur Athletic Association (RCAAA) with the Canada Revenue Agency (#88938 6868 RR0001).
By donating today you are agreeing to the following terms: consistent with the income tax interpretations of “qualifying donations”, this contribution is made voluntarily without any conditions and no benefit will accrue to the me (or related parties) as a result of this donation. This donation does not or will not reduce any obligation, directly or indirectly that the donor (or related parties) have for “non-qualifying” expenses; such as membership, training, or program registration fees, travel expenses or other like expenses that the donor would normally be required to pay to the recipient sport organization or any related or affiliated body. Please note that civil penalties can be imposed against the donor for the misrepresentations of tax matters. Based on these facts, an official receipt for tax purposes will be issued.